NPO法人 中延日本蜜蜂保存会

Nakanobu Japanese Honey Bee preservation society, NPO


Group philosophy

We are working to protect the Japanese honey bee (Wabachi) and to share its through beekeeping and education.


~ Three Basic Functions ~


1, Protection and cultivation of the endangered Japanese honey bee (Wabachi)


2, Cultural transmission of Japanese honey beekeeping techniques handed down from ancient times


3, Communicate the importance of nature and the environment to future generations




In recent years, the overdevelopment of green spaces, food contamination by powerful insecticides and herbicides, and the eapid progression of global warming due to excessive carbon dioxide emissions have become everyone`s problem.



In the face of environmental destruction, the rare Japanese honey bee has become an endangered species. Our organization strives to foster the passing of ancient beekeeping techniques to younger generations, in hopes of nurturing and protecting this precious insect.



In addition, our organization produces and sells honey, trains beekeepers by hosting lessons, and conducts various other events and greening projects

NPO法人  中延日本蜜蜂保存会


品川区中延 3-7-9 白凰荘 101

営業時間 10時〜18時 水曜定休


TEL :  080 - 5892 - 0039

FAX :  03 - 3786 - 0069

E-mail :